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Remove Date in URL - How to Remove Date in post URL in blogger

Hey so what's up Friend's, if you don't know how to remove the Date and HTML, then this post is just for you. Because in this post I'll teach you how to the date and HTML in your blogger site URL for Free.


As we know that the blogger has included the date and Permalink of the blog post URL and there is no way to remove this using the dashboard. Additionally, the URL lengthens and has a bad appearance. So, you can make your Permalink structure simple by removing the date from the Blogger post URL.

Remove Date in URL | How to Remove Date in post URL in blogger

Before taking any step, I'll tell you some advantages and disadvantages to remove the date in your post URL.

Advantages of removing the Date from your Blog post URL

There are several benefits that you get after removing the date and HTML in your blog post URL:

  1. It keeps help to shorten the length of your URL post
  2. A professional look at your URL post
  3. Hid the published date
  4. Easy to remember the URL structure

Disadvantages of removing the Date from your Blog post URL

You might want to keep the date in the title of your Blogger post URL for a few reasons. Here are the main ones:

  1. If the date has passed, search engines could not index the post.
  2. On many blogging sites, the Toolbar only displays the post's original date rather than the post's current date. This makes recognizing recycled blog posts straightforward.
  3. If readers of your blog don't use their browser's back button, they might not see the date in the URL. This means that they won't know how old the post is
  4. You must share a lengthy URL rather than the short one if you ever publish a blog article on social media.
  5. You'll have a lot of lengthy links if you have a lot of posts.  It's just more time-consuming to share and create a post

How to remove the date from your Post?

To remove the date and HTML in your blog post you need to follow the below these steps:

  1. Log in to your Blogger Dashboard and Click on the theme section.
  2. Now click on the drop-down menu and select the Edit HTML option.
  3. Here search for the head tag and paste the Javascript code just below it.
  4. Now save your code and the date will be removed from the post URL of the Blogger

Copy it here!!!


By following these ☝ simple steps you can remove the date and HTML in your URL. If you face any issues to add this Script to your edit HTML section please contact me at any time and I'll assist you accordingly.

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