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Vitamin C - Why Vitamin C is very Important for our Skin

Is a glass of OJ or a vitamin C tablet your favorite when you have the sniffles? Taking this vitamin was suggested in the 1970s by Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel Prize winner and self-proclaimed champion of vitamin C, who promoted daily megadoses (the amount of 12 to 24 oranges) as a way to prevent colds and some chronic diseases.

Vitamin C - Why Vitamin C is very Important for our Skin

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. This means that it dissolves in water and is released to body tissues, but cannot be stored well, so it must be taken daily through food or supplements. Nutritionists knew something in fresh fruits may prevent disease, a condition that may have killed up to two million sailors between 1500 and 1800, long before its identification in 1932.

Vitamin C plays a role in fighting infection and healing wounds and is a powerful antioxidant that can neutralize harmful free radicals. It is needed for the formation of collagen, a fibrous protein in connective tissue found in various systems of the body: The nervous, immune, bone, cartilage, blood, and other systems. The vitamin contributes to the formation of various hormones and chemical messengers used in the brain and nerves.

While overdosing on this vitamin is not uncommon, what is the optimal amount needed to stay healthy, and could taking too much be counterproductive?

Megadosing and Absorbing Vitamin C

The intestine has a limited ability to absorb vitamin C. Studies have shown that the absorption of vitamin C drops to less than 50% when more than 1000 mg is taken. In generally healthy adults, megadoses of vitamin C are not toxic because absorption decreases once the tissues of the body are saturated with vitamin C, and excess amounts are excreted in the urine. However, adverse effects are possible at intakes greater than 3000 mg daily, including reports of diarrhea, increased formation of kidney stones in individuals with existing kidney disease or a history of stones, increased uric acid levels (a risk factor for gout), and increased iron absorption and overload in individuals with hemochromatosis, a hereditary disease that causes excessive iron in the blood.

Absorption does not differ whether the vitamin is taken from food or supplements. Vitamin C is sometimes given as an injection into a vein (intravenously) to allow higher amounts to enter the bloodstream directly. This is usually done only under medical supervision, for example, to improve the quality of life of people with advanced cancer or in controlled clinical trials. Although clinical trials have not shown that high-dose intravenous vitamin C causes adverse side effects, it should be administered only under close supervision and should be avoided in people with kidney disease and inherited diseases such as hemochromatosis and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.

Vitamin C is involved in numerous metabolic reactions in the body, and achieving the RDA or a slightly higher level may protect against certain diseases. However, the health benefit of taking larger amounts has not been established in people who are generally healthy and well nourished. Cellular studies have shown that at very high concentrations, vitamin C can change its role and act as a tissue-damaging pro-oxidant instead of an antioxidant. The effects on humans at very high doses, well above the RDA, are unclear and may lead to an increased risk of kidney stones and digestive disorders.

Why Vitamin C is very important for our skin and Body?

There is interest in the antioxidant role of vitamin C, as research has found that the vitamin neutralizes free radicals, which in excess can damage cells. Vitamin C is also involved in the body's immune system by stimulating white blood cell activity. Does this mean protection against certain diseases?

A- Chronic diseases

While some epidemiological studies that have followed large groups of people over a long period of time have found a protective effect of higher vitamin C intake (from food or supplements) against cardiovascular disease and certain cancers, other studies have not. Randomized controlled trials have found no benefit of vitamin C supplements on the prevalence of cardiovascular disease or cancer. Because of conflicting data, it is not possible to establish a specific vitamin C recommendation above the RDA for these conditions.

B- Age-Related Eye Problems

Vitamin C is also thought to protect against eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration. Human studies with vitamin C supplements have not shown a consistent benefit, although there appears to be a strong association between a high daily intake of fruits and vegetables and a lower risk of cataracts.

C- The common cold

Although vitamin C is a popular remedy for fighting the common cold, its potential has not been proven. A review of several studies shows that taking megadoses (more than 500 mg daily) of supplemental vitamin C has no significant effect on the common cold but may have a moderate benefit in reducing the duration and severity of the common cold in some groups of people. Small studies suggest that the amount of vitamin C in a typical multivitamin taken at the onset of a cold may relieve symptoms, but for the average person, there is no proof that megadoses have an impact or stop colds.

Vitamin C - Why Vitamin C is very Important for our Skin

Source in Food

The best foods to eat are those that are high in fruits and vegetables.

  1. Citrus (Oranges, Kiwi, Lemon, Grapefruit)
  2. Bell peppers
  3. Strawberries
  4. Tomatoes
  5. Cruciferous Vegetables (Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower)
  6. White Potatoes

Symptoms of Weakness

Vitamin C deficiency is rare in industrialized countries but can occur with a restricted diet that provides less than 10 mg daily for a month or more. In developed countries, the greatest risk for deficiency occurs with diets low in fruits and vegetables, smoking or long-term exposure to secondhand smoke, and drug and alcohol abuse. The following are the most common signs of deficiency.

Scurvy, the characteristic disease of severe vitamin C deficiency, shows symptoms due to the loss of collagen, which weakens connective tissue:

  1. Skin patches caused by bleeding and bruising from burst blood vessels
  2. Swelling or bleeding of the gums and possible loss of teeth
  3. Hair Loss
  4. Delayed healing of skin wounds
  5. Fatigue, Malaise
  6. Insufficient absorption of non-heme iron causes iron deficiency anemia.

Important Information:

Non-heme iron, which is the form of iron included in plant foods like green vegetables, is better absorbed when vitamin C is present. Drinking a small glass of 100% fruit juice or eating food rich in vitamin C with meals can promote iron absorption.

Heat and light can both destroy vitamin C. High cooking temperatures or long cooking times can break down the vitamin. Because it is water soluble, the vitamin can also transfer to the cooking liquid and be lost if the liquid is not eaten. Rapid heating methods or using as little water as possible in cooking, such as sautéing or blanching, can preserve the vitamin. Foods eaten raw at their best stage of ripeness contain the most vitamin C.

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